Akronos Publishing ·  Concord, Ontario, Canada ·  www.aetherometry.com
ISSN: 1915-8408

The 'Correa Solution' to the 'Cold-Fusion' enigma:
the 2004 DoE Report on the submitted Cold Fusion Review,
and the generation of anomalous heat in Table-top Fusion Reactors

by Correa, Paulo N. & Correa, Alexandra N.
Aurora Biophysics Research Institute

J Aetherom Res, Volume 1, Issue 3 (December 2004),  pp. 1-19

Article ID:   JAR01-03-01

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In the wake of the negative 2004 DoE Report on the 2004 Cold Fusion Review submitted by Hagelstein et al, the present communication makes public the breakthrough solution by two Canadian biophysicists to the vexing problem of the so-called Cold Fusion/LENR phenomenon. The authors severely criticizes both the DoE panelists and the five presenters of the submitted review for having done such a poor job in their re-examination of the matter, and argue that the erratic results that continue to bedevil the field stem from the actual lack of understanding of nuclear processes that plagues modern physics and, in particular, the specific slant of the five presenters of the submitted review.

Once again, it is pioneering scientists from independent research laboratories that have taken up the forefront of the struggle to investigate and develop alternative physics and energy technologies. Perhaps sponsors of CF research as it has been conducted until now, will at last grow tired of literally throwing their money away on misdirected investigations; or perhaps a better and more intelligent management may yet seize control of the public purse to give tabletop hydrogen fusion a chance - at least as good a chance as has been given to thermonuclear fusion or to the quest for the fabled Higgs particle. But who would count on it?

As the Correas state in their communication, if Cold Fusion researchers knew how to safely initiate and promote the desired fusion pathway under room temperature conditions, and how to extract heat from the electrodynamic interactions of protons, they would have long ago done so and have collectively solved the problem of finding a reliable, clean alternative energy source - free of any radioactive emissions. Indifferent or even disdainful of the critical analytical and experimental framework required to make sense of the complexity of the observed interactions, they were unable to extract the pathway outlined by the Correas - a pathway which produces neither neutrons nor gamma radiation. The Correas comment on their design for the Fusion Reactor employing the principles they have proposed: "Energy", they say, "could be taken out as heat, or directly as electricity."