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Nanobiology Aether Motor Alternative Energy Gravity Relativity Climatology Cosmology

Keywords and Key Expressions for ABRI Monographs
in Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 1




Nonequivalence between work performed by charge against gravity
and the electric energy of the same 'charge gas'
(The [anti]gravitokinetoregenerative phenomenon)

18 pp; 6 Figs; 7 Refs          ABSTRACT

- aetherometric mass to length and wavelength conversion
- inert mass-equivalent graviton wavelength
- equivalence between molecular mass and wavelength
- electric energy expenditure required to charge the electroscope to a set deflection
- cathode drop across the charging spark
- electric energy content of a volt in a electroscope
- electric energy discharged from an electroscope
- electric power of an output pulse from an electroscope
- acceleration and deceleration of charge leakage
- work performed against gravity by a `charge gas'
- ion recombination
- ionization theory
- electroscopic leakage
- regeneration of the kinetic energy of the trapped charges
- positional energy
- Carnot's pendulum formula
- Aspden's cosine formula for the electroscope
- Reich's Pendulum Law
- dimensional analysis
- pendulum treatment of the electroscopic leaf deflection
- indefinite deflection as functional equivalent to perpetual motion
- energy constantly spent to perform work against gravity by a lifting action
- variation in angular momentum (ie moment) for different rates of charge leakage
- moment of antigravitic deflection
- variation of the antigravitic moment over time and with atmospheric conditions
- integration of the observed moments of antigravitic deflection
- integration of positional energy over time
- frequency and wavelength of gravitons
- gravitational acceleration as a function of gravitons
- total unit energy of a graviton associated with an elementary inert mass particle
- covariance between mass-equivalent wavelength and gravitational frequency
- rate of replenishment of gravitational energy associated with mass-energy
- gravitational frequency and wavelength of gold atom gravitons
- total gravitational energy counteracted by electrostatic repulsion
- power of the antigravitic kinetoregenerative phenomenon

Key names: W. Reich - W. Washington - H. Aspden



Variation of the spontaneous discharge rate of atmospheric electroscopes
induced by electric and nonelectric, local and nonlocal, hidden variables

90 pp; 33 Figs; 3 Refs          ABSTRACT

- variation of the spontaneous electroscopic discharge rate
- correlation with local atmospheric parameters or nonlocal parameters of solar origin
- variables that accelerate the spontaneous electroscopic discharge rate
- ability of cloud systems, particularly those associated with low pressure cells, to draw nonelectric energy from neighbouring localities
- electroscopic effect of nighttime increase in humidity
- solar emission of `relativistic' electrons
- solar synchrotron radiation
- solar X-ray emission
- solar electron emission
- microwave radiation
- optical flares in the H-alpha line
- solar radiation-induced arrest of spontaneous electroscopic discharge
- hidden nonlocal variables of solar origin
- nonlocal variable responsible for the kinetoregenerative power of the local medium
- nonelectric and nonionizing derivative of solar energy driving the power of the local medium
- integrated functionalist theory of the electric and nonelectric energy functions of the electroscope
- ionizer studies
- conventional electrostatic theory
- ionization theory
- correlation with solar-induced heating of atmosphere
- encased and naked gold-leaf electroscopes
- definitions of electroscopic leakage and seepage
- simultaneous leakage and seepage studies of atmospheric electroscopes
- grounded and floating case electroscopes
- structure of high-pressure or anticyclonic cells
- diurnal baroscopic and thermal studies
- satellite studies of cloud systems and pressure cells
- solar emission flux studies
- sunspot and radio flux effects
- failure of the ionization model of solar radiation
- ionizing radiation indistinctly accelerates seepage and leakage rates
- electrically neutral vs electrically charged media
- electric work performed by neutralizing currents
- differential analysis of neutralizing currents
- theory of the nonelectric interactions responsible for regenerating the antigravitokinetic energy of charge in the charged electroscope
-aetherometric equivalent of the volt as unit of electric wavespeed
- aetherometric equivalent of the esu as a unit of electrostatic linear momentum
- aetherometric equivalent of the farad
- functional sense of capacitance
- actual distance function x
- determination of the number of charges in conduction band
- energy of the electrostatic interaction
- positional energy as a function of graviton energy
- antigravitic moment and kinetoregenerative power
- positional energy vs gravitational energy
- electroscope as perpetual motion machine
- electroscopic reverse potential

Key names: H. Aspden - N. Bohr



A note on Reich's concept of an electroscopic OP and the concept of a
nonelectric kinetoregenerative power of the local atmospheric medium

13 pp; 3 Refs          ABSTRACT

- orgonotic potential (OP)
- orgone tension
- spontaneous electroscopic leakage or seepage arrest induced by nonelectric factors
- proportional region of the electroscopic response curve
- charge neutralization as a function of time
- neutralizing current in ionization theory
- differential leakage and seepage studies
- OP as reciprocal of neutralizing current
- nonelectric kinetoregenerative power of the local atmospheric medium
- differentiation of electric and nonelectric functions of the electroscope
- capacity of the local medium to replenish the kinetic energy of charges engaged in performing antigravitational work

Key names: W. Reich



Electroscopic demonstration of reverse potentials of energy flow
able to draw kinetic and electric energies

27 pp; 6 Figs; 2 Tables; 8 Refs          ABSTRACT

- methodology of the charged states of the electroscope
- centripetal radiative fields capable of drawing both nonelectric kinetic energy and the electric energy of charge trapped in conductors
- electroscopic interactions of the human body
- nonelectric and nonelectromagnetic energy specific to living systems and to the ground
- experimental determination of the electrical polarity of the charged states of the electroscope
- charging by influence
- spark charging
- contact charging
- induction charging
- induction-control contact charging
- dielectrics as charge sinks
- orgonomic reverse potential
- millivolt potentials in human body
- electrostatic monopolar charging of human body
- role of locomotion
- determining polarity of sources
- reverse potential of human body in drawing electric energy upon contact
- `deflection-depressing action' of the proximity of the human body
- nonelectric and nonelectromagnetic reverse potential of human body in drawing kinetic energy of charge at a distance (field draw)
- electromagnetic field of human body
- functional identity of the responses of living systems and the earth ground
- electric and nonelectric influence
- testing polarity states with a naked electroscope
- so-called unipolar functions of the electroscope
- excess and deficit of monopolar charges (negatrons)
- mechanical and reverse potentials of charge flow
- effect of varying charge concentration of the same monopolar species

Key names: W. Reich - S. Tromp



The thermal anomaly in ORACs and the Reich-Einstein experiment:
implications for blackbody theory

92 pp; 39 Figs; 4 Tables; 25 Refs          ABSTRACT

- orgone accumulators (ORACs)
- Faraday cages, suspended and on stands
- thermal anomaly in ORACs
- Reich-Einstein experiment
- blackbody spectrum for solar radiation
- experimental blackbody radiation spectra for ORACs
- 1941 meeting of Reich and Einstein
- critical control experiment
- thermal effects of table tops
- role of insulating dielectrics
- effect and elimination of convection currents
- Reich's discovery of thermal radiation atop Faraday cages
- diurnal variation of the thermal anomaly
- mechanical trapping of thermal energy
- thermal conduction, convection, radiation
- friction as thermal source
- indoor testing of ORACs
- outdoor testing of ORACs
- simple and multilayered ORACs
- interference-like pattern of juxtaposed daily variations in relative humidity and atmospheric air temperature
- delta T between the outer and inner chambers of ORACs
- outdoor testing of improved ORAC designs directly under the sunlight
- solar source of thermal anomaly
- energy absorption vs energy draw
- medical ORACs
- basic structure of the 2x experimental black ORACS (BORACS) and white ORACs (WORACs)
- thermal radiation: dull black surfaces vs glossy light or polished surfaces
- thermal lags
- heating and cooling phases
- chamber temperature inversion in WORACs
- maximizing To-T
- solstice experiment
- thermometric analysis
- hygroscopic studies of ORACs
- layered structure of earth
- orgone energy vs thermal energy
- nonelectromagnetic forms of radiative energy
- soil radiation
- thermal and mechanical conversion of orgone energy
- negentropy
- caloric and motoric conversions
- orgone motor
- continuum and discontinua
- Planck blackbody distribution
- Rayleigh-Jeans law
- entropy of radiation
- particles and waves
- photons as field singularities
- relative demise of Maxwell's theory and the possibility of a dynamic aether
- deBroglie's theory of wavicles
- group and phase velocities
- elementary resonators
- Special Relativity
- Michelson-Morley experiment
- concepts of electromagnetic and gravitational aethers
- massfree particles
- Lorentz' theory of fundamental aether particle
- ZPE (zero point energy) theories
- reversible and irreversible processes
- solar spectral irradiance
- aetherometric temperature of solar photosphere
- electromagnetic solar emission mode
- aetherometric treatment of entropy
- aetherometric dimensionality of entropy
- aetherometric treatment of the Boltzmann constant
- the Kelvin scale as a linear scale
- Boltzman STP unit
- role of Hartree energy
- maximum temperature of thermal energy
- modal blackbody wavelengths of ORACs
- modal maxima blackbody thermal absorption curves for ORACs, black and white
- thermal energy that evolves within ORACs is not explained by the thermal energy absorbed at the outer surface

Key names: W. Reich - A. Einstein - L. Infeld - M. Planck - M. Ehrenfest - J. C. Maxwell - L. deBroglie - M. vonLaue - H. A. Lorentz - H. Reichenbach - D. Cole - H. Puthoff - A. Szent-Gyorgi - T. Kuhn - FDA - SCICOPS



Comparative study of the variation in the spontaneous discharge rate
of atmospheric electroscopes and electroscopes placed within
'orgone accumulators'

79 pp; 33 Figs; 1 Table; 22 Refs          ABSTRACT

- electroscopic response to a nonelectric, kinetoregenerative local hidden variable responsible for leakage and seepage arrest
- effect of ORACs upon electroscopic spontaneous discharge rate
- local variable fed by a nonlocal hidden variable sourced in solar radiation
- energy concentrated by ORACs is neither thermal nor electric
- determination of the energy and power of ORAC devices
- kinetoregenerative phenomenon is (anti)gravitational - primary and secondary electricity
- "unipolar orgonotic charges"
- paralogical mistakes of Reich with respect to the effect of ORACs upon charged electroscopes
- orgonomic, ionization and aetherometric theories of the effect of ORACs upon charged electroscopes
- Geiger-Muller effects of ORACs
- effect of increasing the volumetric density of one charge species in a discrete volume of space
- effect of positive or negative ion generation upon electroscopes
- how white vs black ORACs affect leakage and seepage
- indoors vs outdoors effect of ORACs upon electroscopic discharge rate
- differential chamber studies of electroscopic discharge rate in black ORACs (BORACs) and white ORACs (WORACs)
- diurnal variation of the leakage and seepage rates inside and outside the ORAC
- comparative correlation of seepage and leakage rates with temperature, pressure and relative humidity parameters, inside and outside ORACs
- experimental aetherometric measurement of hidden local and nonlocal variables responsible for the arrest of leakage and seepage rates, outside and inside ORACs
- variation in kinetoregenerative power
- electrokinetic and gravitokinetic energies of massbound charges
- kinetoregenerative phenomenon as measure of latent heat
- why the energy concentrated inside the ORAC is not electric
- positive and negative neutralizing currents
- why the energy concentrated inside the ORAC is not ionizing energy
- why the energy concentrated inside the ORAC is not sensible thermal energy
- cloud systems as local, nonelectromagnetic, nonelectric hidden variables
- nature of the energy responsible for the kinetoregenerative phenomenon
- deadly orgone vs orgone
- black light, thermal light, visible light
- ionizing radiation
- hypothesis of the identity of orgone and UV light
- effect of near and far UV on bacteria and viruses
- Hallwachs effect
- hypothesis of the identity of orgone and IR plus microwave radiation
- photons as local mechanical effects
- massfree energy as distinct from electromagnetic energy
- the aether electric spectrum and the electromagnetic spectrum
- light and underlying excitation wave function
- on the nature of the Aether as a radiative energy
- relation of massfree aether to electricity, electromagnetic radiation and the gravitational field proposed by General Relativity
- Reich-Einstein meeting revisited
- 'orgonometer'
- Michelson-Morley experiment
- Einstein's theory of the gravitation field
- Lorentzian aether as mechanical concept
- space devoid of matter
- Einstein's Field Theory
- massless charges

Key names: W. Reich - A. Einstein - L. Barth - E. Reich - E. Mann - E. Jakobson - T. Wolfe - K. Marx - S. Freud - H. A. Lorentz - M. Aucci - H. Aspden



Decoding the thermal and nonthermal equivalents of the org
as a unit of aether energy

23 pp; 2 Tables; 10 Refs          ABSTRACT

- the org as a natural and experimental unit of OR energy
- sensible thermal and latent thermal equivalents of the org
- molecular Boltzmann unit of standard gas phases
- quantum frequency of 2E10 Hz
- dry incubator experiments
- Peltier effect
- Reich's expression for the org
- aetherometric dimensionality of temperature
- Ideal Gas Law
- translational and rotational kinetic energies associated with the molecules of a diatomic gas at STP
- influx of thermal and nonthermal energy into ORACs
- aetherometric equivalent of the Kelvin
- aetherometric equivalent of the joule
- aetherometric treatment of Boltzmann's constant
- number or orgone energy particles per unit of atmospheric space
- experimental determination of the org as a nonthermal energy measurement unit
- org as a measure of free nonthermal or `latent thermal' energy
- thermally driven electroscopic kinetoregeneration
- white ORAC (WORAC) as a standard for the determination of the nonthermal org
- relation between sensible and latent energies
- color effect of dielectric interfaces
- org content of the thermal and nonthermal (latent thermal) energies of BORACs and WORACs
- heat gained or transmitted through the walls of the BORAC
- Thomson's principle for the electric energy of a battery
- aetherometric correction to Thomson's principle
- aetherometric value of the org

Key names: W. Reich - A. Einstein - A. Szent-Gyorgyi - I. Prigogine