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Abstracts of ABRI Monographs

Series 2 - Biophysics Research


Experimental Aetherometry, Volume 2A

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AS2-08 Photoinduced arrest of the spontaneous electroscopic discharge and
the Hallwacks (Hallwachs) experiment revisited

Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 2A, 8:1-42 (July 2001)

[AS2-08 cover]

We report discovery of a photoinduced regeneration of the (anti)gravitokinetic component of the energy of charges trapped in conductors subject to a local gravitational field. The photoinduced kinetoregeneration of the antigravitational work performed by trapped charge was shown to bring about complete arrest of the spontaneous discharge of the electroscope, in distinction from thermal contributions to the kinetoregenerative phenomenon, which were minor. We also revisit the Hallwachs photoelectric effect observed in charged metallic bodies to determine the real y function of electron emission, and experimentally demonstrate that, unlike what is conventionally assumed, this y function also affects significantly electroscopic seepage rates. From these experimental findings, we make four theoretical suggestions:

1.  That the electromagnetic spectrum should be separated in two qualitatively and quantitatively distinct domains: an exclusively discontinuous one, where photons are produced by electron bombardment or the energetic disintegration of matter, and have the property of heterolytically cleaving matter (ionizing it); and a phenomenologically continuous spectrum whose stochastic distribution corresponds to the underlying spectrum of aether wave energy. This first disjunction would distinguish ionizing from nonionizing or optothermal radiation, and we propose that its true boundary lies at a frequency of 6400 THz (and a wavelength of 46.6 nm). This should also constitute the boundary differentiating radiobiology from photobiology, with the former being concerned with the life-inimical effects of ionizing electromagnetic radiation.

2.  That the epiphenomenologically continuous portion of the electromagnetic spectrum should also be separated into two qualitatively distinct domains: high frequency optothermal photons (HFOT light), which include far and vacuum UV light and are capable of inducing the homolytic cleavage of matter (free radical reactions), and low frequency optothermal photons (LFOT light), with wavelength longer than 300 nm and including near UV, visible light, IR, radio, microwave and VLF radiations. HFOT light can be shown to be essential for biogenesis, but its effects are in general noxious for cellular systems, whereas LFOT light is in all respects beneficial or essential to cellular life.

3.  That the critical distinction between the two types of optothermal light corresponds to the experimental disjunction between the photoelectric effect of HFOT light (the so-called Hallwacks effect) and the (anti)gravitokinetic regenerative effect of LFOT light, (including thermal radiation) which we have experimentally discovered and report on herein. These two distinct and mutually exclusive effects of the two types of optothermal light upon charged metallic bodies reflect the underlying aether interaction, which, to begin with, originates the two quantitatively and qualitatively different types of photon production.

4.  Finally, that the true functionalist sense of Reich's proposed disjunction between two hidden qualities of the massfree aether, OR (for ORgone or life-beneficial aether energy) and DOR (for Deadly ORgone or life-inimical aether energy), adequately corresponds to the two components of aether energy responsible for the production of HFOT and LFOT light and their differentiating effects at the electroscope.

We do not yet know what is the aether-sourced physical process responsible for the production and disjunction of HFOT and LFOT photons - and this will constitute the object of follow-up communications.

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AS2-09 The allotropic atmospheric cycle of oxygen, ozone and water:
foundations of photo- and aetherochemistry

Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 2A, 9:1-42 (October 2001)

[AS2-09 cover]

The photochemical cycle of atmospheric oxygen, ozone and water is poorly understood. This is so partially because the cycle of oxygen-ozone is treated as being independent from the cycle of water, but the more fundamental shortcoming arises from two distinct facts: 1) that the single-step photochemical intermediaries for both the O2-O3 cycle and the H2O cycle are poorly understood and incorrectly balanced as to their enthalpies; 2) that the existing photochemical relations fail to account for the physical, pre-atomic processes that generate negatronic charge independently from the known processes of pair production. On both counts, the limitations arise from the fact that existing photochemistry lacks any sort of foundation upon aetherochemistry, which effectively means that existing photochemistry fails to take into account the antagonistic nature of HFOT (high frequency optothermal) and LFOT (low frequency optothermal) photons, as well as the aetherometric process for the generation of negatrons.

In the present paper, the authors propose an integral thermally balanced, functionalist description of the full allotropic cycle of oxygen, ozone and water, including the aetherometric formula for the production of negatrons and their associated gravitons, from aether energy, by a physical process of energy superimposition. In the course of the demonstration, this complex allotropic cycle is related to Reich 's theory of OR and DOR aether energies, for a set of transformations that take acid ion and ozone as the chemical term embodying the DOR aether energy effect. At last, we explain precisely how this term (2H++O3) can be regenerated in the context of the most basic allotropic cycle of the atmosphere. The proposed solution to these distinct problems validates our contention that HFOT photons are DOR aether energy productions, whereas LFOT photons are OR aether energy products.

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AS2-10 The kinetoregenerative phenomenon and the AToS model of a fundamental
aether energy element capable of counteracting gravitons

Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 2A, 10:1-22 (November 2001)

[AS2-10 cover]

Proceeding from our previous demonstrations that there are two distinct - with respect to work, energy and power - components to the electroscopic interaction, one electrokinetic and the other nonelectric, which we have designated as gravitokinetic (since it involves work performed against the local gravitational field), we propose in the present communication a novel mathematical, microfunctionalist treatment of the gravitokinetic interaction, that indicates how aether energy units abstracted locally by the charges trapped in the conduction band of the electroscopic leaf are employed to counteract the gravitational attractive effect upon the same leaf of a determinate number of gravitons that are provided by the local gravitational field to act upon the atoms of that leaf. In the process, we propose that the aether energy element abstracted by the trapped charges is the same element whose secondary superimposition yields, by the AToS, both the electron mass-energy and the graviton associated with the electron (the electron-graviton).We propose that this fundamental resonant aether element has a nonelectric massfree energy given by:

with a quantum equivalence given by:

Furthermore, we propose that, by application of the AToS, we must conclude that the gold-graviton whose massfree energy has the form and magnitude:

is also a resonant state of the aether energy element fundamental to all elementary charges. Finally, we also suggest that the same aether element, being equally intrinsic to the structure of the electron mass-energy as a sub- element, interacts with blacklight photons to produce the Hallwacks photoelectric effect, whose true y coefficient we claim to have experimentally ascertained as shown in a previous communication. These findings also permit for the first time the identification of the basic graviton associated with the electron mass-energy.

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AS2-11 A light-irreducible split-aether continuum encompassing production
of black (HFOT) and thermal (LFOT) photons

Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 2A, 11:1-36 (November 2001)

[AS2-11 cover]

From Descartes' Plenum of subtle matter defined by its luminous character, through Spinoza 's Light and its effects of Colour and Shadow, to the classical electromagnetic theory of a luminiferous aether and modern ZPE theories, the problem of the Aether has always been posed as inseparable from that of Light, the action and transmission of Light. This often entailed a direct reduction of the concept of the aether to that of Light - as is the case with Spinoza -or to that of the electromagnetic field - as is the case with ZPE theories. The situation with Descartes is different, as with Maxwell and Lorentz, because here an implicit division is made between the Aether as support system and Light as either a corpuscular or an undulatory event. It was this concept of an aether as a support of Light which SR made superfluous, 'liberating' Light in the form of an electromagnetic field of constant speed for all inertial mass, and converting all Matter into opaque forms of Light. Thereby, however, Light retained its primacy in physics and natural philosophy. One can contemplate GR as an attempt to eliminate this lingering primacy of Light in SR, by making Light heavy and thus subject to conditioning by the gravitational field, with the result that the gravitational aether becomes a geometric structure where the null intervals of Minkowski Spacetime become the curved geodesics of GR's Spacetime.

But making Light heavy is only a way of either attributing the Dark (fuscum subnigrum) to Matter (as was done with the missing mass) or reducing it to a geometry of Light. The only philosopher to seize the Dark as the matrix from which Light and Colour emerge, was Leibniz. His approach to the problem of the vacuum ("there is no vacuum") and his contention in First Truths that neither Space nor Time are things but multiplicities of a continuum that cannot be divided into points, intimate that the fundamental property of a Plenum is not Light but Darkness.

The Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity (AToS) takes up Leibniz 's contention that the aether is not Light but the Dark, which alone explains how Light emerges when the Dark interacts with Matter to confer motion to it. We review Reich 's orgonometric theory of Light, and in particular his concept of an underlying aether excitation wave. Reich 's theory is seen as a precursor to the aetherometric concepts of Light and the Dark. AToS suggests that Light is only a secondary pathway whereby energy returns back to the Dark. The Light spectrum is subdivided into discontinuous (ionizing) and epicontinuous (blackbody) portions, because only the latter results from the interaction of Matter with the Dark, while discontinuous Light results from the disintegration of Matter. But the Dark itself is not homogenous, being split in kind between life-beneficial energy (OR)and life-inimical energy (DOR). AToS holds that the Dark understood in this way designates the electrically ambipolar massfree radiation that serves as one of the major components of the Aether. It is this radiation which, through secondary superimposition, condenses massbound charges, and interacts with the latter to confer to them electrokinetic energy that, once shed, gives rise to blackbody photons which return the energy back to the medium. The nature of the underlying Dark continuum, and its very split in kind, becomes thereby reflected in the biochemical and biophysical nature of blackbody Light, which AToS splits into HFOT (high frequency optothermal - true blacklight) photons and LFOT (low frequency optothermal) photons. HFOT Light is indicative of an underlying DOR action just as LFOT Light is a sign of OR activity. It is the epicontinuous spectrum of Light that betrays the structure of the actual continuum of the electric aether. If the problem of Light is not separable from the problem of the aether, of the Dark, the latter, in turn, is not subsidiary to the problem of Light. As demanded by Leibniz, we must think the Dark independently from Light - as much as from Matter, even if it is the Dark that links both Light and Matter and transmits the excitation waves that produce Light. This Dark is in a permanent state of motion; it is a subtle imponderable energy that carries no mass. One of the major challenges this process of conceptualization poses to AToS is the understanding that the Dark does not just consist of electrically ambipolar massfree radiation. Free electric wave energy forms an electric continuum with definite frequency limits, but this continuum in turn is only a differentiated part of a much greater aether energy continuum formed by nonelectric massfree energy that one may designate as latent - because its 'heat 'is insensible and thus invisible, or because it appears, to modern physics at least, to lack any physical characteristics. The challenge that future presentations will pose is the experimental identification of the physical characteristics of latent aether energy, and of the differentiation process that produces electrically ambipolar massfree energy.

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AS2-12 AToS theory of the volt and the electron volt
- an aetherometric perspective on longitudinal electric waves

Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 2A, 12:1-17 (November 2001)

[AS2-12 cover]

We succinctly submit basic aetherometric theoretical and mathematical formulations for the electric functions of potential, charge, energy and power, as they apply to either massbound (monopolar) and massfree (ambipolar) forms of electricity. The microfunctional formulations are rigorously derived with aetherometric tools, and they put into evidence the common misconceptions of electric functions harking back to Maxwell. Fundamental aetherometric equivalences are provided for the volt, the electron-volt, the charge quantum e, Planck's constant, the electron mass-energy and the Duane-Hunt wavelength we have identified. A new constant is introduced (the Eta-Correa constant   ) and the potential of the electron mass-energy is demonstrated as being equivalent to a wavespeed having the exact value   . Electric charge is demonstrated to be a linear momentum function, and the authors propose that all electric potentials be understood as longitudinal wave-functions, whether produced by standing or travelling waves, and whether they are constitutive of mass-energy or kinetic energy. Such a standing voltage wave is identified as intrinsic to the structure of the electron mass-energy.

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Monographs AS2-13and AS2-14:
The Dual Nature of the Energy Radiated by Tesla Coils, Parts 1 and 2
Short Abstract

Tesla coils have now, for over a century, been objects of great wonder and also mystery. Tesla himself employed their principle in his famous patent for wireless power transmission. Yet, despite attempts by a few dedicated experimenters (R. Hull, the Corums) who have proposed new theoretical approaches to the operation of these devices, the coil has remained essentially miscomprehended, precisely because it superimposes two distinct oscillatory electric fields, one associated with massbound charge and the other with massfree charge. Moreover, the coil outputs neither electromagnetic radiation, nor an ion field. The basic demonstration of these stunning facts is carried out in these monographs, where aetherometric experimental and theoretical tools are employed to differentiate, on the basis of fundamental physical effects, the ambipolar massfree radiation of Tesla waves from the radiative effects of photons - whether ionizing, HFOT or LFOT photons - as well as from the monopolar electric field effects of ion fluxes or electrostatic charges. These reports establish, from basic scientific facts, the existence of a longitudinal, massfree, electric ambipolar form of energy radiation which is emitted from these coils, and provide the fundamental tools for aetherometric analysis of their operation. This leads the authors to a demonstration of the correct physical meaning of such basic functions as inductance and the characteristic frequency of the coil, laying the foundations for what will become the complete aetherometric analysis of Tesla coils carried out in companion papers AS-15 and AS2-16. The fundamental magnetic and electric frequency functions of the massfree and massbound currents are identified. And an exact aetherometric proof that the electric wavespeed of the ambipolar radiation known as Tesla waves is not bound by c and typically exceeds it, is provided.

These two essays - AS2-13 and AS2-14 - are precisely what is needed before one can understand longitudinal, ambipolar, massfree radiation as something distinct from electromagnetism or photon energy.

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AS2-13 (Re-)examination of the energy radiation output by Tesla coils, Part 1:
Experimental determination of its dual nature

Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 2A, 13:1-67 (January 2002)

[AS2-13 cover]

Experimental re-examination of the basic physical properties of the Tesla coil does not confirm the commonly held notions that it radiates "electromagnetic field energy", or that its loosely termed "electrostatic radiation field" is in any way mediated by ions formed as a consequence of the ionizing properties of the said electromagnetic radiation. Formally, we demonstrate how the Tesla coil is neither a source of ionizing photons (since it fails to discharge a positively charged electroscope, inside - or outside - of its electric or 'electrostatic' field), nor a source of HFOT or LFOT photons, including thermal ones (since it fails to trigger photoelectric cells and its diathermic effect can be shown to be an indirect one). It is also not a source of either negative or positive ions, given that it can bipolarize a doped full wave divider. Yet, its 'electrostatic field' charges most metallic (ungrounded) surfaces positively. To explore further the nature of the Tesla waves, we tested the effect of the Tesla coil output both with a proportional chamber and with a simple plate antenna connected to a radiation ratemeter: whereas, like ionizing and HFOT photons, Tesla waves triggered the proportional chamber, unlike either, and unlike any other, type of "electromagnetic radiation", Tesla waves alone were capable of triggering the ratemeter via the plate antenna, even at substantial distances.

Taken together, these results suggest that there is a complex process of conversion of energy at work in these induction coils. The pulsed input to the primary coil induces in the space of the closely coupled secondary a conversion of the local aether energy into electric form. Aether wave energy is tapped by the capacito-inductive properties of the secondary coil to yield resonant, synchronized, superimposed, but distinct 'electric' (electrocapacitative) and 'magnetic' (magnetoinductive) waves. These wave functions properly constitute the massfree radiative field energy emitted by the coil, but they also induce or assemble, within the secondary, an alternate current of massbound charges, or electrons. In turn, this alternate current of electrons in the secondary couples its own 'magnetic' field to the electrocapacitative waves of the coil, to yield a proximal field effect which is responsible for drawing valence and conduction charge from metallic bodies. Beyond the limit of this proximal massbound field effect, the radiated (distal) field of what is known as 'Tesla waves' is composed solely of the 'electric' and 'magnetic' massfree waves radiated from the coil, and is only able to draw charges from the conduction band of metallic bodies. There are therefore quite distinct field effects of Tesla coils. Unfortunately, the proximal field energy has been confusedly assimilated to a "DC or electrostatic field", just as the distal field has been confusedly assimilated to an "AC electromagnetic field". But both fields possess "AC characteristics" and their real difference stems from the fact that one is both proximal and distal, and composed of primary massfree charges, while the other is only proximal, and the effect of the secondary flux of massbound charges. All happens as if the these coils synthesized two different kinds of electric fields, one proximal and massbound, and the other massfree and responsible for all distal effects. It is the massfree electric field that serves as the conduit for the massbound electric field, since only the former exists both proximally and distally, and thus all observable distal effects are due to it - such as the observed acceleration of leakage rates in electroscopes placed at greater distances from the coil. Conversely, it is the induced massbound charge field that is responsible for the observed spontaneous positive charging of the electroscope in the proximity of the coil, but since the radiated electric energy is not an ionizing one, nor does it consist of ion emission, the observed proximal monopolar (positive) charging of metal objects depends solely on the metallic nature of the targeted bodies, not upon any supposed "DC characteristic of an electrostatic field" output by the coil. In a parallel fashion, the primary massfree charge field is no less electrical than the proximal field - and thus fully undeserving of the epithet "electromagnetic".

We can only speak of production of photons or the presence of electromagnetic energy when the primary superimposition of the two synchronous wave functions of the massfree energy field is resolved, at the surface of the metallic bodies that it is emitted from or strikes, to yield the "characteristic electromagnetic" or photonic frequency of the coil in the form of damped waves. Light, and also heat, are therefore indirect effects of Tesla waves, mere secondary emissions from metallic bodies exposed to Tesla radiation. The true "electromagnetic AC component "must therefore be understood as the secondary mechanical result of resolving the superimposition of Tesla waves. From this vantage point, the so-called 'electrostatic' and 'electromagnetic' fields of the Tesla coil cannot be thought of in the traditional manner where the former is the result of the latter, as mediated by ionization, and where the latter alone constitutes the primary emission. There is neither an electrostatic DC field nor an AC electromagnetic field (let alone an ionizing one), and we demonstrate this fact experimentally; both electrostatic and photonic fields are secondary effects resulting from the interaction of metallic matter with resonant 'electric' and 'magnetic' waves, such that the superimposition of these waves is subsequently resolved either to charge that matter or to induce it to emit light and heat.

Finally, basic aetherometric analysis formally demonstrates how the aether wave functions, whether formed capacitatively or inductively, are not limited at all by the photon limit wavespeed c, and thus cannot be thought of, in any way, as subfunctions of an "electromagnetic" wave that propagates transversely to the direction of its forward motion. Here, the critical element of the analysis is the electric frequency term which, in the "vacuum state", can be seen to exceed the blackbody radiation frequency limit   , thus indicating that the aether continuum may not be limited, in its upper end, by the blackbody upper limit. This constatation is what originally led us to the discovery of the aether electric spectra, to be presented in companion reports.

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AS2-14 Aetherometric treatment of the energy radiation output by Tesla coils, Part 2:
Massfree and massbound nonelectromagnetic functions
and resultant characteristic electromagnetic frequency of the coil

Correa PN, Correa AN
Exp Aetherom, Series 2, Vol. 2A, 14:1-20 (January 2002)

[AS2-14 cover]

In the previous paper we experimentally demonstrated how the TC does not output either AC electromagnetic radiation, or ion-mediated electric fields. We further showed that the proximal 'electrostatic field effect' of these coils is not a byproduct of any ionizing electromagnetic field, but the result of the interaction of metallic matter with the proximal capacitative and inductive field of the coil. In the previous report, we identified two distinct oscillating field effects: one proximal, and associated with the capacitatively and inductively formed alternate flux of massbound charge in the coil secondary, and the other proximal and distal, and conveyed, both electrically and magnetically, by the flux of massfree charge radiating from the secondary and the space surrounding it, when the coil is not loaded in resonance. The so-called 'electrostatic field' effects then result from the interaction of target bodies with the proximal field effect of synchronous massbound and massfree charge oscillations, just as the more distal field effects, including conversion into photon energy, result from the radiative deployment of massfree charge emitted by the coil. Both field effects have distinct drawing actions upon metallic conductors, with the proximal field drawing conduction and valence negative charges, and the massfree field drawing only conduction charges.

We proposed at that time that these 'electric' and 'magnetic' wave functions are electric and not electromagnetic, and thus not amenable to the notion that TCs are electromagnetic energy transmitters. Instead, their VLF signature is the product of the resolution of the primary superimposition of the capacitoelectric and magnetoinductive wave functions characteristic of the electrokinetic energy of the massbound charges circulating in the secondary. Hence, in the present communication, we complete our demonstration of how the characteristic electromagnetic frequency of the coil, FC, results from the resolution of the electrocapacitative and magnetoinductive wave frequencies, FA and FB, of electronic charges.

We further propose that this process, in turn, is driven by the capture of electric massfree energy by massbound charges, in the form of their kinetic energy, and that it is the shedding of this kinetic energy that directly gives rise to blackbody photon production.

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