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[ExpAeth vol 1 cover] Experimental Aetherometry
Volume 1

Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa

2nd Edition, Paperback, 404 pages
Figures and Tables, Bibliography, Index

Price:   $99.95 / $79.95 ISFA members
+ shipping



ISBN:   0-9689060-0-1
Format:   Trade paperback, 404 pp
Publication date:  Second Edition, April 2004
Publisher:   Akronos Publishing
In this fascinating, seminal work, the Canadian biophysicists Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa provide a step-by-step exposition of their path-breaking discovery and investigation of the nature and structure of massfree energy. It is a book for all who have a serious interest in understanding nature. The first volume focuses on the discovery and study of the kinetoregenerative action of massfree energy (specifically, its 'latent heat' component) in slowing down, or arresting, the spontaneous discharge of electroscopes, as well as the role of this energy in producing the thermal anomalies observable with certain metal enclosures. More detail


[ExpAeth vol 2A cover] Experimental Aetherometry
Volume 2A

Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa

Paperback, 265 pages
Figures and Tables, Bibliography, List of Publications

Price:   $99.95 / $79.95 ISFA members
+ shipping



ISBN:   0-9689060-1-X
Format:   Trade paperback, 265 pp
Publication date:  January 2004
Publisher:   Akronos Publishing
In volume 2A of their ground-breaking work, Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa embark on an experimental journey of discovery of ambipolar radiation. This leads them from a re-examination of the photo-electric effect, to a new model of the photon, and the differentiation of two types of electricity: massbound (or monopolar), and massfree (or ambipolar). More detail



[ExpAeth vol 2B cover] Experimental Aetherometry
Volume 2B:
The Discovery of Dark Massfree Energy

Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa

Paperback, 370 pages
Figures and Tables, Bibliography, Publications, Index

Price:   $119.95 / $89.95 ISFA members
+ shipping



ISBN:   0-9689060-2-8
Format:   Trade paperback, 370 pp
Publication date:  May 2006
Publisher:   Akronos Publishing
In this second part of the second volume of Experimental Aetherometry, the Correas explore the physical, chemical, biological and cosmological roles of ambipolar radiation, identify and characterize its spectrum and provide the experimental tools for its study and analysis. A new theory of magnetism is also offered. More detail



[Nanometric Functions cover] Foundations of
Aetherometric Biophysics,
Volume 1:
Nanometric Functions of Bioenergy

Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa

Paperback, 452 pages
Introduction by Dr. Eugene Mallove
Figures and Tables, 38 Color Plates, Bibliography, Index

Price:   $115.00 / $92.00 ISFA members
+ shipping



ISBN:   1-894840-29-1
Format:   Trade paperback, 452 pp
Publication date:  October 2004
Publisher:   Akronos Publishing
In the first of two volumes on the theory of aetherometric biophysics, the Correas lay the nanobiological foundations for the understanding of the interaction of massfree energy with bio-molecular processes. Highlights include a new model of system dynamics (order and entropy), a new electrochemical scale, a compelling argument for the multiple nanometric and molecular origins of Life, and an investigation into the bioenergetic role of fundamental biomolecules (DNA, RNA, globins, ATP, etc). Introduction by Dr. E. Mallove. A must read for all scientists and the lay public interested in science. More detail



[Orgone Motor book cover cover] The Discovery of the Aether Motor (1):
The (Re-)Discovery of the Orgone Motor

Paulo N. Correa & Alexandra N. Correa

Paperback, 343 pages
Figures and Tables, Bibliographies

Price:   $150.00 / $110.00 ISFA members
+ shipping



ISBN:   0-9689060-3-6
Format:   Trade paperback, 343 pp
Publication date:  August 2006
Publisher:   Akronos Publishing
The first part of a two-volume publication about the new power technology of massfree energy: the Aether Motor/Converter. This volume details the Correas' investigation and reproduction of, as well as improvement upon, both the work of Nikola Tesla in his search for an Aether Motor, and Wilhelm Reich's discovery and invention of the Orgone Motor in 1947-1948. The book marks the beginning of a new age in science and technology - the age of massfree energy. Perhaps it will permit our epoch to finally begin to understand and utilize intelligently the stupendous energy resources to which the work of these pioners has provided a first approach. More detail



[DVD cover] From Pulsed Plasma Power
to the Aether Motor

DVD video, ~100 minutes
Introductions by Dr. Eugene Mallove
        and Dr. Harold Aspden
2nd edition, digitally remastered

Price:   $74.95 / $59.95 ISFA members
+ shipping


ISBN:   1-894840-19-4
Format:   DVD, digitally remastered
Length:   ~ 100 min
Publication date:  2nd edition, July 2003
Publisher:   Aethera
A 3-part documentary, with footage from 1987-2002, of the work of the Canadian biophysicists Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa in three novel, renewable, clean (non-polluting), safe (non-radioactive) power-generation technologies: the Autogenously Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge (PAGD) plasma technology, the Aether Motor/Converter technology, and the HYBORAC/Stirling 'latent heat' technology. Working laboratory prototypes of all three technologies are demonstrated. With introductions by Dr. Eugene Mallove and Dr. Harold Aspden. More detail


[DVD cover] Free Power Around-the-Clock

DVD video, 67 minutes
Digitally mastered

Price:   $39.95 / $31.95 ISFA video only
$75.95 / $59.95 ISFA video + PDFs
+ shipping


ISBN:   1-894840-25-9
Format:   DVD, digitally mastered
Length:   67 min
Publication date:   January 2004
Publisher:   Akronos Publishing
Video only:
Video + PDFs:
A detailed documentary on the work of Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa at ABRI (2001-2004) to develop a readily accessible, quiet, free, round-the-clock alternative solar-atmospheric power-generation system consisting of an Orgone Accumulator modified to optimize its capacity for concentrating 'latent heat' and converting it into 'sensible heat', so as to function as an efficient Stirling Motor drive. This combined solar and atmospheric technology permits effective exploitation of the anomalous positive temperature difference atop Orgone Accumulators (first discovered by W. Reich) such that nighttime thermal motor-drive performances are comparable to those of daytime. More detail

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