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The Orgonomy Mail List is an email list associated with the Public Orgonomic Research Exchange (PORE) and run by Jammerling Ogg. We present here two sets of exchanges about the work of the Correas that took place on this list - one recently, in the beginning of August 2001, in connection with the launching of the Aetherometry web site and the publication of an article by the Correas, The Reproducible Thermal Anomaly of the Reich- Einstein Experiment Under Limit Conditions, in Issue 37 of Infinite Energy; the other in December 1996, in connection with the Correas' PAGD discoveries. These exchanges, although separated by a span of 5 years, demonstrate an identical pettiness, ill-will, narrow-mindedness and stupidity on the part of Jammerling Ogg himself, as well as on the part of Douglas Marett, the founder of Another Orgone Research Laboratory Another Orgone Research Laboratory (AORL), and their associates and hangers-on. We have organized these OML documents into three sections:


I.    A Case of Petty Oggery, 2001

II.   1997 Postscript to the Attack that Marett and PORE Gratuitously Mounted against the Correas

III.  Archive: The Attack against the Correas, 1996-1997