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Nanobiology Aether Motor Alternative Energy Gravity Relativity Climatology Cosmology

Catalog of Catalogs

1.  Books and DVDs

2.  Experimental Aetherometry - Electronic Edition

Volume 1 - ABRI Monographs AS2-01 through AS2-07

Volume 2A - ABRI Monographs AS2-08 through AS2-14

Volume 2B - ABRI Monographs AS2-15 through AS2-17C

Volume 3 - The Discovery of the Aether Motor

Volume 4 - ABRI Monographs AS2-25 through AS2-33

3.  Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity

Volume I - Interferometric Aetherometry

Volume II - The Gravitational Aether

Volume III - The Electric Aether and the Structure of the Electron

Volume VI - The Electrodynamics of Heat

Volume VII - The Solar System

4.  Labofex Reports (Plasma Physics Research)

5.  Other Web Documents in Science

6.  Politics of Science and Scientific Polemics

7.  On Relativity

8.  Philosophy Monographs

9.  Free Publications

10.  Author Catalog

11.  Publications by or about the Correas

12.  Audio-Visual Media

13.  Art Gallery