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Nanobiology Aether Motor Alternative Energy Gravity Relativity Climatology Cosmology

Akronos Publishing - All Serial Electronic Publications


Philosophy of Science and the Politics of Thought:



Author and Title




AS1-01 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Usages of Science: the Use and Abuse of Physics
abst free
AS1-02 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Physics of the Will to Power
abst $15
AS1-03 11/19/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
(Micro)Functionalist Thoughts on the Relation between
Art, Science and Philosophy
abst $15
AS1-04 01/07/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
On Science, Actual Science, as the Higher Becoming of Philosophy
abst $20
AS1-05 05/01/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A Monist View of the Relation
between Libidinal and Political Economies and the Problem of Fascism
AS1-06 02/15/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
What Is Fascism: Is There Any Fascism Left?
abst free
AS1-07 07/12/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Combat at the Gates of Thought (Doing Harm to Stupidity)
abst $25
AS1-08 01/25/2008 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Notes on MicroFunctionalism: Orgonomic, Molecular and Aetherometric Functionalism
abst free


Experimental Aetherometry:



Author and Title




AS2-01 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Nonequivalence between work performed by charge against gravity
and the electric energy of the same 'charge gas'
(The gravitokinetoregenerative phenomenon)
abst free
AS2-02 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Variation of the spontaneous discharge rate of atmospheric electroscopes
induced by electric and nonelectric, local and nonlocal, hidden variables
abst $20
AS2-03 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A note on Reich's concept of an electroscopic OP
and the concept of a nonelectric kinetoregenerative power
of the local atmospheric medium
abst $12
AS2-04 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Electroscopic demonstration of reverse potentials of energy flow
able to draw kinetic and electric energies
abst $25
AS2-05 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The thermal anomaly in ORACs and the Reich-Einstein experiment:
implications for blackbody theory
abst $25
AS2-06 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Comparative study of the variation in the spontaneous discharge rate
of atmospheric electroscopes and electroscopes placed within
'orgone accumulators'
abst $25
AS2-07 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Decoding the thermal and nonthermal equivalents of the org
as a unit of aether energy
abst $20
AS2-08 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Photoinduced arrest of the spontaneous electroscopic discharge,
and the Hallwacks (Hallwachs) experiment revisited
abst $25
AS2-09 10/01/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The allotropic atmospheric cycle of oxygen, ozone and water:
foundations of photo- and aetherochemistry
abst $25
AS2-10 11/19/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The kinetoregenerative phenomenon and the AToS model
of a fundamental aether energy element capable
of counteracting gravitons
abst $20
AS2-11 11/19/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A light-irreducible split-aether continuum encompassing production
of black (HFOT) and thermal (LFOT) photons
abst $25
AS2-12 11/19/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
AToS theory of the volt and the electron volt
- an aetherometric perspective on longitudinal electric waves
abst $25
AS2-13 01/14/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
(Re-)examination of the energy radiation output by Tesla coils, Part 1:
Experimental determination of its dual nature
abst $30
AS2-14 01/14/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Aetherometric treatment of the energy radiation
output by Tesla coils, Part 2:
Massfree and massbound nonelectromagnetic functions
and resultant characteristic electromagnetic frequency of the coil
abst $20
AS2-15 01/27/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The aetherometric approach to solving the problem of magnetism
abst $20
AS2-16 01/27/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Aetherometric treatment of the energy radiation
output by Tesla coils, Part 3:
Primary massfree electric-and-magnetic waves,
secondary massbound capacito-inductive waves, and
tertiary electromagnetic waves
abst $35
AS2-17A 04/14/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The indirect 'orgone effect' of Tesla radiation:
ambipolar aether and blackbody radiation spectra
abst $35
AS2-17B 04/14/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Determination of the OR and DOR energies, frequencies and wavelengths
driving the atmospheric allotropic cycle of oxygen, ozone and water
abst $25
AS2-17C 04/14/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The cosmic background microwave radiation as evidence
for cosmological creation of electrons with minimum kinetic energy
and for a minimum of cosmic ambipolar massfree energy
abst $35
AS2-18 07/30/2006 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The rediscovery of the ORgone motor:
(1) The archeology of Function Y
abst $35
AS2-19 07/30/2006 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The rediscovery of the ORgone motor:
(2) Reproduction of Reich's Y-fed OR Motor Circuit and
(3) An improved Y-fed PAGD-driven Aether Motor
abst $35
AS2-20 07/30/2006 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The rediscovery of the ORgone motor:
(4) Discovery of latent thermoelectric conversion and
(5) Diurnal variation of atmospheric response with an improved Aether Motor
abst $35
AS2-21 07/30/2006 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The rediscovery of the ORgone motor:
(6) AC Spinner motors
abst $35
AS2-25 01/27/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Modified Orgone accumulator (HYBORAC) as drive for
low delta T Stirling Engines
abst $20
AS2-26 01/27/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Modified Orgone accumulator (complete HYBORAC) as nighttime drive for
low delta T Stirling Engines
abst $25
AS2-27 09/26/2002 Correa, Paulo N.; Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia
Atmospheric electricity, latent heat, and ambipolar radiation:
a new view of geophysics and meteorology,
challenging the primacy of ionization theory
abst $23
AS2-28 10/13/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Fundamental measurement of biological energies 1:
Overview of bioenergetic investigations
abst $20
AS2-29 4/25/2020 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Foundations of Aetherometric Biophysics Vol. 2:
Human Experimental Bioenergetics
abst free
AS2-31 01/19/2003 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
On the wave structure of energy:
Fundamental differences between de Broglie's theory of matter-waves
and the aetherometric theory of wave superimposition
abst $20
AS2-32 11/03/2003 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Around-the-clock free power from improved HYBORACs
driving low delta-T gamma Stirling engines
abst $36
AS2-33 05/07/2007 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Transiently induced hyperthermia
in humans exposed to a controlled ORAC environment
abst free


Aetherometric Theory of Synchronicity:



Author and Title




AS3-I.1 04/02/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Consequences of the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment:
the demise of the stationary aether, the rise of Special Relativity,
and the heuristic concept of the photon
abst free
AS3-I.2 04/02/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Sagnac and Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiments:
the tribulations of General Relativity with respect to rotation
abst free
AS3-I.3 02/01/2009 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Linear and angular light Doppler shifts and the Sagnac experiment:
Aetherometry vs. Relativity (1)
abst free
AS3-I.4 02/01/2009 Correa, Paulo N.; Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia; Gryziecki, Gene; Sola-Soler, Jordi
A test of Aetherometry vs Relativity, Special and Larmor-Lorentz:
The 1938 Ives-Stilwell experiment -
Aetherometry vs. Relativity (2)
abst free
AS3-I.5 02/01/2009 Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia
Death by peer-review:
Analysis of the 1938 Ives-Stilwell experiment
as a sociological test of the legitimacy of so-called "peer review"
in mainstream scientific publications
abst free
AS3-I.6 02/01/2009 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Silvertooth experiment as a confirmation of the aetherometric galactic compression flux
abst $25
AS3-I.7 02/01/2009 Correa, Paulo N
A note on Dayton Miller's supposed discovery of Aether drift
abst free
AS3-II.1 07/29/2003 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Gravitational Aether, Part I:  Gravitational Orgonometry (1)
abst $33
AS3-II.2 09/29/2003 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Gravitational Aether, Part I:  Gravitational Orgonometry (2)
abst $33
AS3-II.3 12/19/2003 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Aetherometric Theory of the Graviton
abst $25
AS3-II.4 05/15/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Mysteries of Inertia
abst $35
AS3-II.5 08/18/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A Note on Synchronicity and Manifold Commensurability
abst free
AS3-II.6 08/18/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Quantum Aether Gravity: I. Role of Cosmological Leptons
abst $35
AS3-II.7 05/22/2005 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Quantum Aether Gravity: II. Electric Antigravity: The Monopolar Lift Effect
(and a Refutation of the Biefeld-Brown Effect)
abst $25
AS3-II.8 05/07/2007 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:  Gravitational Aetherometry (6) -
Antigravity Lift and Exotic Flight (I):
Critical Overview of Theories and Technologies
abst free
AS3-II.9 05/07/2007 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:  Gravitational Aetherometry (7) -
Antigravity Lift and Exotic Flight (II):
Critical Overview of Theories and Technologies
abst free
AS3-II.10 05/07/2007 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:  Gravitational Aetherometry (8) -
Antigravity Lift and Exotic Flight (III):
The Aetherometric Theory of Gravity, and the Organized Fear of Knowing
abst $20
AS3-II.11 04/26/2008 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:  Gravitational Aetherometry (9) -
Quantum and Subquantum Aether (Anti)Gravity:
Fine Variation and Determinations of G
abst $80
AS3-II.12 05/27/2008 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Gravitational Aether, Part II:  Gravitational Aetherometry (10) -
Meditations on g Minor and Pi:
The Terrestrial Antigravitational Field Reaction
and a Massfree Model of Seismic Predictors
abst $50
AS3-III.1 12/15/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A nonclassical and nonrelativistic treatment
of the so-called de Broglie "Matter-Waves" (1)
(The Photoinertial treatment)
abst $35
AS3-III.2 01/15/2011 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The physical nature of electric charge, massbound and massfree
abst $35
AS3-III.3 02/15/2011 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Massfree and massbound momenta and moments of momenta
abst $35
AS3-III.4 07/22/2011 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The electron mass-energy flux as a deformable nanometric torus
- fine and hyperfine structures and flux topogeometries
abst $80
AS3-III.5 08/15/2011 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Alpha - the fine structure constant and the hydrogen spectrum
abst $80
AS3-III.6 09/10/2012 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Hartree Energy of Hydrogen and the Impedance of the "Vacuum"
abst $60
AS3-III.7 01/20/2013 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Aetherometric Theory of Magnetism
abst $20
AS3-III.8 08/30/2013 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Electroinertial Treatment of
the de Broglie 'Matter-Waves', Particle Acceleration,
and the Compton Effect
abst $40
AS3-VI.1 06/04/2024 Correa, Paulo N.; Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia
What Is Heat?
abst free
AS3-VI.2 06/04/2024 Correa, Paulo N.; Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia
Foundations of Thermodynamics
abst $25
AS3-VI.3 09/10/2024 Correa, Paulo N.; Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia
Entropies of State and of Transfer, and the Functions of the Calorimeter: A Different Granulation of Heat
abst $25
AS3-VI.4 10/20/2024 Correa, Paulo N.; Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and the 2-Body Problem of Thermal Equilibrium
abst $25
AS3-VI.5 11/17/2024 Correa, Paulo N.; Correa, Alexandra N.; Askanas, Malgosia
The Concept and Function of Work and its Entropy:
The Heat Engine and the Thermodynamic Turbine with No Moving Parts
abst $25
AS3-VII.1 02/27/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Swing, the Wake and the Spin:
Of Gravitational Cycloidal Waves and Gravitons
abst $40
AS3-VII.2 02/27/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Bradley Aberration Revisited
abst free
AS3-VII.3 03/16/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Kepler's Problem and the Problems with the Keplerian
abst $40
AS3-VII.4 05/07/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Wake and the Spin of the Solar System:
How the Barycentric Motion of the Sun Is Coupled to the Solar Apex
and, Together with the Sun's Drift, Accounts for Orbit Eccentricity
abst $40
AS3-VII.5 06/09/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Sunspots and the Internal Structure of the Sun:
A Little Lesson in Nuclear Physics and Photochemistry
abst contact Akronos
AS3-VII.6 08/04/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Clockwork of the Formless: How the Sun Is a Rhythm-Maker
(Synchronography and Helioseismography)
abst $40
AS3-VII.7 09/30/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Wandering Petals of the Sun Flower:
Dances of Translation, Rotation and Precession
abst $40
AS3-VII.8 11/08/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Toroidal Plasmaspheres of Stars and Planets under Gravitational-Ambipolar Equilibrium
and the Dual-Sourced Geomagnetic Fields
abst $40
AS3-VII.9 11/10/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Kinetic and Growth Order of the Solar System
abst $40
AS3-VII.10 12/30/2023 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Evolutions of Stars and the Secrets of Nuclear Fusion
abst contact Akronos


Monographs in Plasma Physics:



Author and Title




ISNE3 04/25/2005 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Excess Energy (XS NRGTM) conversion system utilizing
autogenous Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge (aPAGD)
abst free
LS1-07 07/27/2001 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Metallographic and excess energy density studies
of different LGENTM cathodes
subject to a PAGD regime in vacuum
abst free
LS1-25 06/12/2002 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Aether power from pulsed plasmas
abst $25


Journal of Aetherometric Research:



Author and Title




JAR01-01-01 08/16/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A short appreciation of Nikola Tesla
abst free
JAR01-01-02 08/16/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Contrast and comparison between the Papp engine
and the PAGDTM/XS NRGTM Technologies
abst free
JAR01-01-03 08/16/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The myths of Orgone-charged Vacor tubes
abst free
JAR01-02-01 12/16/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
What is Dark Energy (what is, and is not, Dark Massfree Energy)
abst free
JAR01-03-01 12/25/2004 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The 'Correa Solution' to the 'Cold-Fusion' enigma:
the 2004 DoE Report on the submitted Cold Fusion Review,
and the generation of anomalous heat in Table-top Fusion Reactors
abst free
JAR01-04-01 11/27/2005 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A note on the law of electrodynamics
abst free
JAR01-05-01 11/12/2005 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
'Global Warming': An Official Pseudoscience
abst free
JAR01-06-01 05/02/2006 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A running commentary on Einstein's Aether and the Theory of Relativity
abst free
JAR01-07-01 07/30/2006 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
50 years after the death of Wilhelm Reich
abst free
JAR01-08-01 05/07/2007 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The fascist legacy of futurism or, to be done with UFOlogy
abst free
JAR02-01-01 07/23/2008 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A note on the functional structure, nanometric topology
and bonding orbitals of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water
abst $20
JAR02-02-01 10/15/2008 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
On the physical concept of 'work'
(or how statues are silent and obliging)
abst $20
JAR02-03-01 11/03/2008 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A note on the biology of copper
abst free
JAR02-04-01 12/01/2008 Mallove, Eugene F.
Dr. Eugene Mallove's Introduction to the Correas' Video
From Pulsed Plasma Power To The Aether Motor
abst free
JAR02-05-01 01/16/2009 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
On the determination and value of the fine structure constant
abst free
JAR02-06-01 10/28/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Reproducible Thermal Anomaly
of the Reich-Einstein Experiment under Limit Conditions
abst free
JAR02-06-02 10/28/2010 Mallove, Eugene F.
Demonstrating Aether Energy
abst free
JAR02-06-03 10/28/2010 Aspden, Harold
Gravity and Its Thermal Anomaly:
Was the Reich-Einstein Experiment Evidence
of Energy Inflow from the Aether?
abst free
JAR02-07-01 11/28/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Uncertainties of the Uncertainty Principle, Part 1:
Improbable Certainty and the Inconsistencies of Quantum Mechanics
(a counterpoint to Feynman's Lecture)
abst free
JAR02-08-01 12/28/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Uncertainties of the Uncertainty Principle, Part 2:
What Heisenberg missed
abst free
JAR02-09-01 01/11/2012 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
What is a photon?
And how and why are photons massless?
abst free
JAR02-10-01 02/15/2012 Lucca, Adrien; ISFA Editorial Committee
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) - Biographie Critique
abst free
JAR02-11-01 11/20/2012 Lucca, Adrien; ISFA Editorial Committee
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) - Critical Biography
abst free
JAR03-01-01 07/04/2020 Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa, David Pratt, Malgosia Askanas
Re-examination of the Experimental Evidence for a Nonzero Aether Drift
Part 1: Michelson-Morley-type experiments 1881-1930
abst free
JAR03-02-01 09/06/2020 Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa, David Pratt, Malgosia Askanas
Re-examination of the Experimental Evidence for a Nonzero Aether Drift
Part 2: Rotational and post-1930 linear experiments
abst free
JAR03-03-01 09/24/2021 Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa, David Pratt
Re-examination of the Experimental Evidence for a Nonzero Aether Drift
Part 3: Controversy and Aetherometry
abst free
JAR03-04-01 04/20/2023 Gene Gryziecki
The Toroidal Fine-Structure of the Electron
(Republished from GJSFR)
abst free
JAR03-05-01 07/05/2024 Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
Understanding Metabolism:
aerobic catabolism, heat production and bioplasma formation
in mitochondria and the human body
abst free
JAR04-01-01 02/01/2025 Paulo N. Correa, Alexandra N. Correa
Critical Appraisal of XXIst Century Energy Science and Technology (1):
Relevance of Nikola Tesla's Inventions and Discoveries,
from the Perspective of Aetherometry
abst free


Journal of Biophysics, Hematology and Oncology:



Author and Title




JBHO01-01-01 01/24/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Wilhelm Reich's Claim of the Heterogenesis
of Eukaryotic Amoebae
abst free
JBHO01-02-01 02/24/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The PA & SAPA Bion Experiments
and Proto-Prokaryotic Biopoiesis
abst free
JBHO01-03-01 03/24/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
The Orgonomic Theory of Cancer
abst free
JBHO01-04-01 04/24/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Viral and Nonviral Oncogene Theories of Cancer
abst free
JBHO01-05-01 05/24/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
A Unitarian Biochemical and Bioenergetic
Theory of Adaptive Oncogenesis:
from hypoxia and energy starvation (aerobic and ambipolar)
to the roles of HIF-1, IGF-I, and Vitamins C and D
abst free
JBHO01-06-01 06/30/2010 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Anemia, Polycythemia and Leukemia (1):
molecular biology and functional interrelationships
of hematologic disorders
abst $20


Journal of Science and the Politics of Thought:



Author and Title




JSPT01-01-01 11/03/2008 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Whither Science? - Science and what Has Become of its Method (1):
Origins of Science and Official Science
abst free
JSPT01-02-01 12/12/2009 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Whither Science? - A Science without Origins:
Nomad, Minor Science and the Scientific Method (2)
abst free
JSPT01-03-01 12/26/2012 Correa, PN & Correa, AN
Aetherometric view of Biocentrism
- Microfunctionalist perspectives of Life and Aether
abst free